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🎄 Overlea Holiday Tree Lighting, Sat, 7:00 PM. Click here 🎅

overlea neighborhood art sign

Board Members

Welcome to Overlea, and welcome to the Overlea Community Association (OCA) website! The Overlea Community Association Board Members are happy you're here and would love to have you at the next community meeting!
martin nibali martin nibali

Martin Nibali

President / Newsletter Chair

Martin Nibali has lived in Overlea since 2002. A Baltimore native, Martin has a Masters in business from MICA, and works in marketing for Clinton Electric in Timonium. He has volunteered as Scoutmaster for Troop 16 for many years, is an avid rock climber and paints in his spare time.

You can find Martin managing the lot at the Overlea Farmers Market, and he coordinates the quarterly newsletter you should find hand delivered to your front door. He became president of the Overlea Community Association in 2024.

doris poling doris poling

Doris Poling

Vice President

Doris grew up in Overlea and moved back with her family in 1991. Her home is on a street she played on as a child and her sister lives in the family home just two streets over.

Doris has been active in the community association since 2008 serving in various positions.

She is most proud of the Butterfly Mural and the Flower Pots program, both on Belair Road that she produced, starting a COP program, reenergizing membership, creating the Annual Tree Lighting event, and starting community pot luck dinners.

Doris was a La Leche League Leader and Board Certified Lactation Consultant working in the community for more than 23 years. She managed the volunteer program at Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen and Employment Center for 10 years and recently retired from Baltimore County, working for an elected official as a Senior Legislative Aide after 10 years of service.

Doris is passionate about the Overlea Community and holds dear to her heart, the mission of the association-creating neighborhood awareness, community building and working to preserve Overlea’s charm. Promoting and cultivating this thriving, growing and diverse neighborhood so others will come to live and call Overlea home.

jess loveless jess loveless

Jess Loveless

Market Manager / Secretary

Jessica Loveless is a long time resident of Overlea. She grew up here in the 90s and early 2000s and moved back in 2015. She and her husband, Jason, bought the house next door to her parents and live there with their five kids and cat. Outside of her role as secretary, she also manages the Overlea Farmers Market and writes grants for the community association. When she isn’t serving the Overlea community, she can be found homeschooling her children, watching for monarchs in her garden, or thrifting at local second-hand stores.

jason loveless jason loveless

Jason Loveless


I grew up in Baltimore, so obviously I am obnoxiously fanatical about our City (Ravens, Orioles, crabs, MD flag design, etc.). As stated in my wife's bio above, we moved to Overlea in 2015 and I have slowly fallen in love with this specific neighbhorhood. Weather pending, you can often find me and the kids walking up and down the streets of Overlea just enjoying the exercise and the freezy pops I bribe them with to make the walk more enjoyable for them (and me because the less they complain, the more I enjoy it!). We typically pick up a few other parents and kids along the way as we start to form some sort of minor parade. I mention this because I truly do love that this place is a neighborhood in every sense of the word. We not only talk with the people who live around us, but we enjoy them and have actual relatioships with them that extend beyond a wave and head nod. Anywho, probably too much for a brief bio, and I am not sure it tells you much about myself, but there it is. If you happen to be in our neighborhood, stop on by – our door is always open during the day.

debi debi

Debi Brocht

Membership Coordinator

Debi and her husband Tom moved to Overlea in 1988. They love the old houses and the diversity of the neighborhood. Debi retired from Baltimore County Department of Social Services where she was a social worker in child welfare for 24 years. She has an MSW from the University of Maryland.  Since retiring, she has been volunteering for Gilchrist Hospice where she leads bereavement groups. She also enjoys practicing yoga, meditation, and painting.  Debi and Tom enjoy traveling, hiking, and volunteering for the Overlea neighborhood. You may have seen them walking in the neighborhood.

Joe Allen

Web / Email Manager

Hi, I’m a web designer and developer living in Overlea (since March 2020). I specialize in user interactions, prototyping, and WordPress development. In my free time, I enjoy keeping up the OCA website, watching fĂştbol, playing the banjo, and camping. For more information, visit my website at


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